Thursday, June 18, 2009

To tweet or not to tweet.

Recently, I've talked to many people in my profession about why and how to use Twitter. In many cases their reply is the same. "Why would anyone care what I'm doing?" If that's their answer than they just don't get it. What's really strange is that these are people in the creative industry, these are the people who should be embracing the technology and using it in different ways.

My response has always been... Twitter is another outlet to get you message to the masses. Again, I get the reply. I don't have time to Tweet. Nobody cares. Here today – gone tomorrow.

WRONG! Twitter is the new CB. It's a way to see what is happening at any given time about any given subject. It's a way to figure out what is going on around me.

The first thing I do when I get to a new city is I try and figure out where to go. What to do. Who has the best food. Where is the best happy hour. I want to know what people are talking about and what they like doing. I can ask a question and I get instant response.

I also have a Twitter testimonial. I asked followers to review my online portfolio. No more than I asked the question. I get a great response. One follower event noticed a small issue, which I was able to fix right away.

So let me ask you Twitter nay-sayers...Why wouldn't you tweet? What do you have to lose?

Oh... yah – possible clients, connections and unlimited information.

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